I had to capture the foliage with the sign. My husband's mother was a "Foster" and my son-in-law spells his middle name "Mathew" with one T. It's a sign. !!! LOL I think God wants me to live here. OK, let's go. I'm ready to move to New Hampshire. |
I'm always disappointed when I can't capture majesty with my camera. This is a picture of the pond with foliage reflection. Maybe I could have taken a better photo if I hadn't been so spooked by the fabled killer Beaver down there. I was afraid to get too close. |
The "Not Necessarily a Dead End" Road. |
I could have walked forever on this road. I can't wait to go back and capture it at different seasons. |
It's a wild cranberry bog. My friend remembers picking cranberries with family when he was little. And there were all kinds of beautiful birds nesting and hiding in here. I didn't get any pictures of them, but I could hear them calling each other. |
I think it's a step ladder for a fairy. |
I want to build a play house or a fort in there. Wouldn't that be awesome?
I'll make you a mud pie. |
Be blessed and be a blessing!
I have my mom in the palm of my paw.
What a beautiful area!
Your photos on New Hampshire would make beautiful post cards. Love the one with the sky!
This Native Texan says..that is just beautiful..and yes, we don't walk without looking for snakes!!
How pretty!
If it looks like this for even part of the year I can see why you would want to go.
Hope you have not been caught up in Sandy.
Stewart M - Australia
What a gorgeous area! Thanks so much for sharing these spectacular photos on Simple & Sweet Fridays.
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