I've got
Charlie asleep in my lap and I'm
hand piecing some hexies. I've worked so hard this week. I decided to start the weekend early by taking it slow. I'm thinking I'll make him a little hat? Naaaa....he would hate it.
What are you doing this weekend? Got plans? We're working on our
son's room right now. Photos to follow..... Or check out my
Instagram or
Facebook, as I update more often there, than I do here.
This is Charlie, our first Springer foster, and obviously, first foster fail...and that's totally ok. :) |
"Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them,
filling an emptiness we don't even know we have."
~Thom Jones~
If you need anything for your pet this summer, please shop through the Amazon affiliate link below. We thank you for your support. I highly recommend owning a Thundershirt to get you through firework season!!! We lost Charlie last summer for 10 days on the 4th of July. Make sure your dog is tagged and microchipped before it's too late.