I purchased a Jelly Roll of Verna by Katy Spain via Moda and made this strip twist for a friend It was way out of my comfort zone as I've been far too thrifty to buy them in the past. They seem pricey to me for just a little bit of fabric, but the convenience and speed sold me (sort of). I think I'm going to get a baby blanket out of the scraps. So two quilts for $35.00 seems ok to me (sort of). Better than paying $100.00 for a fat quarter stack (sort of).
A member of the church in our community lost her husband on Christmas Eve in a skiing accident. Her son is a friend of my daughter's. They've gone to summer camp together all these years and now they are in college together at Florida College,, here in Tampa.
One other thing I do when I'm making a quilt for someone is I pray for them the whole time during the process. By the time I'm done, the person has been prayed over for hours. Who doesn't need hours of prayer invested in them? I hope you don't think I'm bragging; I'm just offering a tip. K? :)
This is Bonnie's Strip Twist pattern. It really does look better if you have stronger contrast between darks and lights. Half way into this pattern, I realized all the mediums and lights weren't working well enough for me, so I raided my strip stash and tried to contrast it up some. I think it turned out cheerful and happy.
I have loved vintage sheets for decades...they make life feel like grandma's house, all cozy and snuggly. Now they are popular and harder to find in thrift stores. :( Anyhoo, I love using them as backing because they are super soft and broken in. If you do use them, go over them with a magnifying glass and make sure there are no holes. I found 3 teeny tiny ones, so what I do, is cut out flowers from the sheet and applique them over the spots. Hopefully extending the life of the quilt and backing. I gave it to her with a life time guarantee...if anything ever happens to it, give it back and I'll fix it.