I slept with it last night and have kept it on all day. The love of my life comes home tonight around 11:00 to warm and sunny Florida after a week in icy Pennsylvania. I'm going to jump into his arms after the dog and kids are done. We've cleaned all day and got the house sweet for him. I've missed him. I really don't like it when he's gone. I sleep in one of his shirts on his side of the bed so I can smell him while he's gone.
Not really the best picture of him, and he'll probably be mad at me for posting a picture of him in his undershirt, but I love this picture because it speaks of his gentleness. He's just like his mama, meek and gentle (I love my mother-in-law. I'll have to tell you about her some other day).

Here is a picture we sneaked on "It's a Small World". Pretty good for no flash. His head really is that big. He's a giant. He's 6'4" and about 230 lbs. It hurts if he steps on your toe.

I've posted this picture before, but it just cracks me up. LOL He loves me so much, he sweats in the shape of a heart for me. Happy Valentines Day!

To God be the Glory...